Mobile Development Services

Smart phones today have become an exponential strategy or armour for businesses. The use of smartphones has increased by 40% globally since 2016. That’s an amazing figure! In fact Android, iPhones has completely transformed the way businesses operate in the industry. That said, it has become imperative for organizations to own superior performing mobile application, so that they can put business’ reins in their hands entirely and drive the ROI at a lightning speed.

Quirky, Interactive and Definitely Out-of-the-box Mobile Applications, Mobile Compatible Websites and Mobile UI Designs

CG-VAK is a mobile application development company that has the expertise, experience and technical advantages to analyse your business scope and targeted customers and craft a business-specific custom mobile application that can completely change the way your business works – make it even more streamlined and integrated virtually.

Outsource Mobile Development Services to a Diligent Team

Whether it is an Android mobile application development or an iOS or blackberry, whether it is a simple project or a dynamic UX rich one, we will back you with tremendous ideas, quality products and a diligent team of developers.

In return all we ask you to do is initiate the first step and call us for a FREE consultation. One of our technical advisors will guide you with best possible mobile application strategy, most suitable for your budget, needs and business operations.

We design and develop mobile application solutions for several platforms, including iPhone/iPad, Phone gap, Xamarin and Windows, Android and Symbian. However, what our experience and stringent research have found that blackberry and iPhone have pioneering features, ideally suitable for financial management and business management.

CG-VAK’s technical research and development team has taken swift steps to optimizing wireless communication systems for our clients.

  • Highly secured and stable mobile applications
  • Transcend user expectations with smarter and feature-rich mobile applications by harnessing the power of inventive technology

We Define. We Redirect. We Change. We Bring to You a World Full of Features at Your Fingertips

Our Offshore Development Centre Benefits

  • ISO certified company, 2500+ successful projects, 27+ years of outsourcing software development experience
  • 10 years of R&D experience in Mobile Development Services
  • One roof – multiple mobile development services
  • Sound technical know-how in all trending mobile platforms: in Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows and Blackberry operating systems
  • Step by step reporting process during the development and deployment phase, so that our client is equally aware of the project development course
  • Smart and intelligent features for elevated end user experience
  • Multiple feature mobile UI designs
  • Cost effective standard and personalised solutions, catering both SMEs and large corporates
  • Facility to hire specialized native (iPhone/iPad, Android) developers or cross platform (Xamarin, Phone Gap, iconic, Meteor) developers for your project.

Providing Out-of-the-box Cross-Platform Apps

We aim to offer cross-platform mobile application development in this demanding market by delivering the same user experience and functionality of native apps with the addition of multi-platform functionality. CG-VAK’s approach enables users to no longer trade-off between two or more native platforms.

Why Should You Go for Cross-platform Apps

Cross-platform applications can be developed faster than individual iOS, Android or Windows apps respectively.

Instead of creating a new database for each platform, you can use the same codes to customize multiple mobile apps.

The use of a single code base lets users expect better code-maintainability.

It lets user to have control over one superlative cross-platform mobile app, functional on all platforms, instead of creating two or three more apps from scratch.

Updates are quickly synced on all platforms and devices.

Enables you to tap greater market simultaneously through iOS and Android, thus creating an extended advantage to meet more people.

Marketing is easier. It eliminates the need for creating different marketing campaigns for niche specific audience

Good Value for money and significant savings are there due to quicker timelines and quicker release to market.

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You get assistance in all stages of your planning process. Whether you are a start-up or an enterprise we will guide you in overcoming your IT and software related challenges with uncompromising technical solutions. We are here to provide you with recommendations based on current market trends and changing scenarios.