Website Maintenance Checklist for Holiday Season

The holiday shopping season has already begun. In 2016, US online holiday sales increased $115 billion, according to a forecast from Forrester Research Inc. With Black Friday and Thanksgiving playing a major role, holiday season is the ideal time for online stores to focus on extra sales and a huge profit.

Here’s a quick website maintenance checklist for you to have a successful Holiday Sale this year.

Fine-tune Your Website

The holiday season is a hectic time for your website with heavier traffic than usual. If you don’t plan well ahead, it can cost you in terms of losing conversions. You can’t afford to miss out on conversion with a sluggish website. A better way to prevent this is to equip your website to handle above-average traffic. The best way to do this is to operate your website over the Cloud. Cloud solutions offer year-round flexibility. At CG-VAK, we provide our clients with Enterprise Cloud Solutions that offer more room whenever there’s a need.

Optimize Mobile Performance

When it comes to the holiday season, you should never underestimate the power of smartphone. Optimize your website for mobile usage. Make your website more accessible to your customers.

Today’s shoppers expect more when it comes to shipping. Free shipping is always expected and most shoppers prefer picking their order in a nearby store. This is where mobile marketing is vital in allowing your customers to choose a nearby location. So optimize the performance of your website for mobile shoppers.

Rejuvenate Your Website

Holidays could be a season of struggle, but your website performance doesn’t have to be. Keep in mind that your visitors will be in a bit of a holiday rush than their usual shopping routine. This is when you should be sure of having all your critical information placed at their fingertips. Revamp your landing pages. Make them simple and streamlined, easy for the holiday shopper. Inspect each page and remove all outdated information, unwanted images and videos.

Diversify Your Landing Pages

Try to engage multiple variants of critical marketing tools. Use smarter A/B testing to ensure the functionality of your website. Plan different landing pages that focus on specific locations while maintaining your overall holiday marketing theme.

Unite Your Marketing Efforts

Mixed marketing messages repel customers rather than attracting them. Unite your marketing efforts across different channels. Landing pages should have the theme and the content from your other holiday marketing campaigns. The best way to do this is to create a simple holiday marketing look. Create a design that is simple and easy to navigate.  When your marketing messages are similar, customers will not be puzzled and it allows them to easily navigate your site.

Follow this simple checklist and make sure you implement all of them to give a stunning makeover ideal for your super hit holiday sale conversions.

Want more help making your website responsive for this holiday season and more? Get connected with us!