Top 6 Trending PHP Frameworks That Will Dominate The Market

PHP, also known as the Hypertext Preprocessor, is considered to the best open-source server-side scripting language for developing web applications. PHP has vast storage of modern tools and solutions that allow developers to build state-of-the-art websites, enterprise web applications and lot many other things. PHP solutions save time, streamlines backend operations, and lets developers re-use codes, making their job effortless.

Listed below are the top 6 trending PHP frameworks. Go through each one of them and we are sure you will find few appropriate for your needs.

Why PHP Frameworks

Although there are other frameworks, such as Python and Ruby, that are equally robust, most developers prefer PHP frameworks because it helps to tick the right boxes for different types of web application development projects.

It is a dynamic and smart choice because of the following factors:


Web apps developed by PHP frameworks are responsive and have fast loading time.

Cross-Platform Integration: 

PHP coding can be used in both Website and Mobile app development projects. Additionally, in mobile app development, it can stably integrate with all operating systems.


Since PHP frameworks are being deployed for a number of years now, developers have discovered and fixed many new bugs over the years, which has made this programming language even more stable and advanced.

CMS Support: 

PHP frameworks also support CMS, and widely used for CMS development. Content Management System is must today in successful application development for enhanced digital data experience.


Most PHP frameworks use object-relational mapping to work with different databases. Developers need not have to punch in complicated SOL codes because of this functionality.

Must-Have PHP Frameworks

Software development tools must evolve to adhere to the latest technology trends. With software development shift, new frameworks emerge to meet the newer requirements. Therefore, due to its abundant resources, a PHP framework will be the first choice for a server-side programming language as well. However, the choices may vary depending upon the developer’s experience, scale, and type of project, and development timeframe etc.


Laravel follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern that makes it one of the most widely used PHP frameworks. Taylor Otwell developed this open-source framework in 2011, which is essentially based on Symphony.

One can easily learn the nuances of Laravel web framework and continuously upgrade their knowledge with the help of the enormous information documented for each framework released.

The framework is known for its impeccable use in rapid web application development. You can do a whole array of common tasks, such as cashing, authentication, RESTful routing, user management etc, using Laravel’s super-performing templating engine that invariably makes work of software developer easy and efficient.

Exclusive Features of Lavarel Include:

  • Improves performance by running tasks in the background asynchronously. The process is shortly known as Refined Syntax.
  • Perfect and stable integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Well-built templating engine.


No one can beat the record that Symfony has created over the years. It still holds a position on the chartbuster list of best PHP frameworks even after so many years. If we recall the best features of this PHP MVC framework, then they would be:

  • Reusable components
  • Built-in testing functionality
  • Reusable codes

Depending on the project requirements, developers can use some or all of Symfony’s components. Symfony is an ideal option for solutions that rely on modularity. It is essentially deployed to develop huge enterprise-scale software development projects. What’s more? You will always be benefited with the latest technical documentation about the framework, for Symfony is continually backed-up by a tremendous community of expert developers and engineers.

However, the only con that we can find is that the learning curve is rather steep. So, you may need both time and effort to grasp the whole concept of Symfony and its several functionalities.

Zend Framework

Any large-scale project can be easily developed using the Zend Framework. Developers across the world rely on the features and functionalities of this framework over others for enterprise-scale project development. Today most web application development follow the agile methodology, and this framework was specially built to support agile technology, allowing software engineers to create cutting-edge products to big companies in half time and at a reduced cost.

The benefits that Zend Framework gives to the developers is hard to beat. They include:

  • A commendable architecture that lets developers pay attention to only those components that they choose.
  • Lot of re-usable codes.
  • It has great extension capabilities. For instance, it can integrate with external libraries seamlessly.
  • It is scalable.
  • It comes with instant debugging tools online.
  • Has drag and drop editor and cryptographic coding tools, and the list is never-ending.

Its superpower and unique functionalities make it one of the anticipated PHP frameworks. However, since it is vast and contains several dynamic features, it could be one of the most difficult to learn PHP frameworks.


An old and most reliable PHP framework, CakePHP has been on the top six lists for the past several years in a row. A huge community of software engineers supports it and takes diligent efforts to improve the framework further in terms of consistency and efficiency.

Launched in the year 2000, CakePHP is known for fast builds and proper class validation and therefore it is highly preferred for developing state-of-the-art, smart, beautiful and feature-rich websites. And, the demand for it  will be higher than before.

Some of the unique features of CakePHP include:

  • Build on CRUD Framework (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).
  • Upbeat security functionality, such as SQL injection prevention, cross-site scripting protection, cross-site request forgery, and data input validation.
  • Backed by a sophisticated community of expert engineers that offer free and premium support.


CodeIgniter is simple, reliable, scalable, and tried and tested web app development framework that has been on continuous improvement since 2005. It operates perfectly on most of the hosting platforms and needs zero configuration from the users. Did we just miss to say that it is also well built and efficient?

One of the greatest reasons why this Framework is selected over other PHP frameworks is its speed. CodeIgniter works faster with database tasks. However, CodeIgniter is not based upon the MVC architecture, even though it falls under the Models-Views-Controller Category. While Controller is obligatory in this Framework, Models and Views are optional.

Also, amateurs can learn the features and functionalities of CodeIgniter quicker than most other PHP frameworks, including Zend.


One of the quirky frameworks is what we will call Yii2 as. It is as simple as its name, “Yes It Is”. This is version 2, which has the features of the old one but improvises in its loading time. In fact, it is deemed as that framework that outshines all other frameworks in load time.

Yii2 is an object-oriented programming language that is integrated with Ajax and JQuery. It works on the principle of, “Don’t Repeat Yourself”, which avoids the use of the same software patterns recurrently. With this unique principle as a super-power, Yii2 is the first choice for developing large-scale web development projects.

It also supports the class-code generator, which enables it to boost rapid prototyping and object-oriented programming.

The aforementioned PHP frameworks are ranked in random order. Each one has its own pros and unique usability. Therefore, your Framework choice must be based upon the project, the amount of time you have, and your preferences. If your developers have time to learn a new option, then choose a framework that best fits your project requirement. For instance, if you need an absolutely classy website, use CakePHP and if you are assigned with enterprise-scale projects, go with either Symfony or Zend.

CG-VAK has the right expertise and perfect infrastructure that enables development support for projects on each framework mentioned above. We offer project development in fixed price model and retainer model. Contact us for more information and for free of cost consultation today.