How Businesses Can Get Benefit & Growth Adopting Cloud Native Platforms

The Cloud Native platform based on a web-based cloud solution is a new, scalable, and flexible way to build modern software. It’s quickly becoming a favored tool for developers, IT teams, startups, and enterprises because it has the advantages of both a traditional application backend and an infrastructure stack. Coming out at the turn of the decade already several companies are adopting these platforms, as businesses have realized their benefits. Adopting cloud-native web development platforms make businesses more agile, agile, and scalable. Cloud Native platform makes you worry less about the infrastructure and more about your code. It allows you to focus on your core business without being bothered by the underlying complexities of the infrastructure.

In this post, we will discuss the advantages of cloud-native platforms.

An Overview of The Cloud Native Platforms

Cloud-native applications are completely different from their predecessors, the traditional software platforms. They have no boundaries and operate in a cloud environment. These applications build on open-source processes, tools, and methodologies to help organizations deliver more valuable solutions faster. In the cloud-native microservices architecture, a single application code base can handle different types of requests without updating or modifying the code. When this process is used in conjunction with containers and container orchestration services, developers can compile applications that can be deployed in production without having to wait for the deployment to complete before new features are added.

Why should businesses opt for cloud-native platforms?

With the development of cloud-native computing, enterprises have started to face more and more complex challenges. To solve these issues and make their business more efficient, many companies are collaborating with other cloud companies in this area. The case below provides a brief overview of what cloud-native means right now, as well as some advantages that it can offer based on real-life examples. Here are some of the advantages of cloud-native applications:

#1. Reduces Time to Market

Time is money, and every business wants to lessen its development cycle. With cloud-native applications, businesses can reduce the amount of time it takes them to roll out products, while also embracing software as a service and the flexibility it offers. For example, if you’re in the healthcare industry, which has been one of the fastest-growing industries in America over recent years, then adopting cloud-native principles will undoubtedly help your business grow more rapidly than it would without them.

For example, after the upgrade to Kubernetes, Department of Defense programs were able to shorten their lead times from three months to one week. This 100+ year time savings is the result of DevOps principles on F-16s and large armored warships.

#2. Ease of Management

Cloud-native infrastructure enables the management of applications by staying away from physical servers. A cloud-native application is distributed across different instances and infrastructures that are manageable via a web-based visual environment. Such a workflow enables the development and deployment of cloud-native services in an automated way, with minimal effort. Using serverless platforms does not require configuring on-premises networking, planning for the best cloud-based storage, and provisioning cloud instances.

#3. Boosts Apps Performance

Cloud-native applications significantly improve app performance. To achieve this, developers can leverage today’s cloud technologies to build their apps in an agile fashion and launch them quickly. Cloud-native apps are built as services that are done dynamically as needed. With these benefits, the cloud can provide developers with increased flexibility and speed while they build and deploy those applications effectively on demand.

#4. Fosters Productivity

When it comes to managing complex software, whether for internal or external use, you might find yourselves continuously integrating new features and features. Cloud-native programming is about applying this integration strategy to improve business efficiency and customer satisfaction. Over the past decade, we have seen a high-velocity shift to the cloud. It represents an opportunity for modern businesses that want to leverage the best tools available but don’t want to sacrifice control over their internal development platforms or risk not having adequate resources for integration testing.

How does this transformation take place? By creating new relationships with other businesses, native cloud service providers, and related apps as you develop new solutions and platforms using this cloud-native strategy. The trend toward integrating more tools, apps, and platforms is probably something you already know about.

#5. Reduces Costs

Cloud-native computing represents the next phase in the development of software-defined infrastructure. It provides organizations with a way to optimize existing hardware and software rather than spend time, money, and resources on conceptualizing new systems or hardware.

Since most businesses spend 80% of their IT budget on supporting an already existing infrastructure instead of investing in organizational development and 30% of data center capacity is generally not used, cloud-native computing offers an organization another path and approach to infrastructure, shifting its budgets from expensive ecosystems working non-stop and channeling those savings into new functionality roll-out. For instance, Smart Cards made its first step towards digitalization with its transition to a cloud solution. The company decided to turn to innovative DevOps best practices and its in-house expertise: creating a custom-built cloud infrastructure that could provide automated software delivery and speed up time to market.

#6. Enhances Security

Why does cloud-native make applications more secure? It’s because cloud-native applications are developed with security in mind. Such applications are designed along with security professionals on board, tested for various threat scenarios, and can be quickly ported to other cloud environments in case of a risk. Cloud-based technologies have changed the way we think about software. The ability to run your apps on public and private clouds has opened a lot of opportunities for businesses, especially in terms of scalability and performance. But there’s more than just the technical benefits that cloud-native apps offer. As IT professionals and DevOps teams grow their expertise with each new release – which is where containers come into play – their reliance on external vendors for security products becomes an increasing liability.

#7. Increases Scalability and Flexibility

While businesses that use a cloud-native approach to their software-development strategy generally gain confidence over the future development and delivery process, flexibility is also one of their most important factors. Flexibility helps organizations take advantage of potential changes in real time, which helps them serve their customers’ evolving needs more effectively.

Cloud-native solutions are based on microservices that are designed to be environment, scalable and auto-scalable. This is achieved by making use of cloud schedulers, containers, and micro-services. Cloud-native apps take advantage of the resource abstraction offered by modern cloud infrastructures. They scale vertically in the same way as we do with our physical servers: using commodity hardware without any costs. They also scale horizontally by simply adding more resources when they are not needed anymore — a big difference between classic applications developed on virtual machines and typical web application containers.

#8. Vendor Lock-in

Choosing a cloud provider is a crucial decision. However, one should not be afraid to switch to a cloud-based management services provider if the service proves to be poor quality. Web-based cloud solution infrastructure allows customers to use multiple cloud providers without sacrificing their network services. Cloud Native applications are designed to be independent of one vendor’s platform, allowing for their use on multiple cloud providers. This flexibility makes it possible to move to a better cloud pricing and benefits plan with any cloud-native application.

#9. Automation & Flexibility

Adopting agile methodology practices and DevOps leads to automation throughout the software development cycle. With collaboration and CI/CD processes, the deployment, testing, and gathering of feedback is a continuous loop of enhancing productivity and customer satisfaction. With flexibility, the cloud-native application removes the restrictions that traditional architecture introduced, by allowing organizations to work on multiple cloud platforms, be it public, private, or hybrid without introducing any changes or additional requirements.

#10. Easy Troubleshooting

Cloud-native applications have a built-in fault tolerance mechanism. This is because they are divided into microservices, where each act as a service function. Once tracking is done, the service is isolated, and the problem is fixed at its source with no downtime for servers. That is why you should always look for choosing reliable cloud-native solutions.

#11. 5G-Enabled

Cloud-based solutions are internet-based and rely on faster technologies, such as 5G, and better accessibility across the world. As the world becomes more connected, technology companies are leveraging faster technologies to improve their business.

As a result, cloud-native applications are faster than legacy software because they use new programming languages like Java and Node.js that run on top of the cloud infrastructure. The new programming languages also allow developers to build more scalable, modular, and flexible systems that can adapt to changes in user behavior or unexpected events. No wonder businesses are looking for cloud-based services.

Unlike traditional software development models, cloud-native development delivers operating system-like efficiency where individual teams own their services and processes. Similarly, monitoring and managing these distributed applications is more automated than in a monolithic application model.

To sum it up, the enterprise can take maximum benefits by making its cloud-native application development a part of innovative DevOps practices. Containers come in handy with not just managing the cloud platforms but also helping to optimize firewalls.

Build Your Cloud Apps With CG-VAK

Ultimately, developing cloud-native at scale can be the foundation for a competitive advantage in the ever-changing world of business. We are here to provide our expertise to help you move forward.

Are you looking for cloud-native software development, cloud-based hosting services, or any other type of cloud-based development, CG-VAK can provide all types of cloud-native app development.

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