Cloud Storage Solutions- Precise View on Cloud Storage and Best Options

Some businesses even have entire offices in the cloud—and that’s not just because they’re cheap; it’s because it helps them to be more flexible and mobile. Businesses can now be run from anywhere with an internet connection, and affordable cloud storage services are fast becoming essential for most companies. Additionally, as cloud storage options continue to increase, individuals are turning to these services for their data needs. Research shows that 50 percent of those surveyed use cloud storage at home or the office. Cloud-based storage providers also offer additional services beyond storage, such as collaboration and security. You want your office work stored safely away from home, where your data is always a step closer to disaster. So, how you will make a right choice in these circumstances. You may be tempted to pick based on how much free storage space you get—but it’s surely not the best way.

How Cloud Storage Works

Cloud storage is a system for storing files over the Internet. It usually involves at least one data server. In the case of enterprises, multiple data servers allow users to connect via Internet, sending files from their computers to the server, which forwards them to multiple servers. The stored data can then be accessed via a web-based interface.

Cloud storage provides users with a host of storage space so they can upload all their important content, such as documents, videos, photos, music albums and movies. The fascinating feature of cloud storage solutions is that you can upload or download files from anywhere in the World, even without carrying your laptop. You can access your personal and official data anywhere, anytime.

Cloud Storage Benefits

Cloud solutions are ideal for storing data online. In the past, most companies depended on on-premise servers to store their growing collection of files and data; but today, cloud storage is the next big thing as it allows unlimited storage at an affordable price. You pay only for what you use. The best thing about cloud IT solutions is it ensures affordability and that it can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Selecting the right Cloud Service Provider

With hundreds and thousands of cloud storage service providers offering cloud storage tools, making right choice is not an easy choice. Here are some of the things you need to consider:

1. Consider the Type of Storage You Need

As the purpose of your cloud storage solution is different, you need to assess your cloud storage requirements and the features you require. Also, evaluate carefully how much storage do you need, what is your budget, how much backup you require etc.

2. Consider Security

Security is of vital consideration while choosing cloud storage tool. You need to consider various factors whether the platform offers proper password protection mechanism, 2-Factor Authentication, File Encryption, Controlled User Permission etc. Additionally, it should be in compliance of GDPR and other regulations.

Cloud storage apps often enhance security by requiring multifactor verification before allowing users to access files. For example, cloud storage users might sync up their accounts with their phone numbers or email addresses so they can verify their login sessions on an additional device, preventing unauthorized users from accessing files in the cloud.

3. Refine the Choices and Take a Free Trial

What looks very promising on the paper may not turnout up to your expectations. You cannot guarantee whether it will work for you or not. Therefore, take a Free Trial for some time to understand its capabilities. It will give you a good idea whether the cloud storage system you want to opt will solve your problems or not.

Major Cloud Storage Options You Can Prefer

Though there are hundreds of cloud storage and backup solutions in the market and each of them claims to be the best and most secure cloud storage tool; the question arises then how to make the right choice. We have curated a list of some credible names. However, there are many more good options as well of research deeply. Here are some of the most popular cloud platforms that you can consider:

  • iDRIVE

Counted among the best cloud storage options, iDRIVE is a highly flexible and secure cloud storage solution currently available in the market. Its cloud storage pricing is also affordable. The personal plan starts from $79.50 per month.

  • Amazon Cloud Drive

Amazon S3 (Amazon Web Services) is a popular object storage service; however, it’s best suited for enterprises and large corporations. Amazon Cloud Drive (Amazon) is an ideal personal cloud solution, providing sync services for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows devices. Amazon Prime members get 5GB of free cloud storage, unlimited photo storage and speedy backups through delta sync.

  • OneDrive

Offered by Microsoft, it is among the best cloud storage options available in the market. It also offers reliable and best secure cloud storage solution. If you’re a Microsoft 365 user, this should be your natural choice as it’s ideal for the users using Windows and Microsoft Office. There are also enterprise cloud storage options for large corporations.

Microsoft offers 5GB of free storage through OneDrive. It also offers an extra terabyte per user, starting at $6 per month for the Microsoft 365 Business Standard plan. This plan maxes out at six people or 6TB of storage.

  • Nextcloud

Millions of people use Nextcloud, including its users at organizations like Siemens, Regio IT and DEGES. Nextcloud is a cloud storage solution that works through your web browser or on a mobile or desktop app.

This cloud strorage backup solution is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPAA-compliant. It integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird, allowing you to collaborate on documents through these programs. You can also lock and unlock files, exchange secure files with banks, hospitals, governments and notaries.


So, what is the best cloud storage service? The answer depends on many aspects. And we help you to find out. Contact our experts now. We are ready to help you with cloud storage solutions.