HubSpot Vs WordPress: Which is the smart choice for your business?

Are you aware of the fact that over 70 million websites in the world are built using a CMS? It is common knowledge that an efficient and easy-to-use CMS gives a website its spine and drive, its cohesion and contour, and a huge chunk of its personality. A CMS made up of a content management application (CMA), and content delivery application (CDA), does all the technical work in the background, allowing the end-user to focus on the front end of the site.

Content Management System and some popular CMS!

CMS allows a person with limited technical knowledge or coding expertise to create, manage, modify, personalize, optimize, and publish content on a website.

There are dozens of CMSs available in the market. The most popular ones are WordPress, HubSpot CMS, Joomla, Drupal, Magento (for e-commerce sites), Ghost, Sitecore, Squarespace, and Wix among others. Now it’s a hectic moment to choose the best one for your business website. No worries! we provide a clear explanation for you to choose a perfect one for your website.

What is the Best CMS Platform?

There is no one answer to this question. There could be a favorite, but then it would be hard to argue that one CMS will do the job to perfection in almost 100% of situations.

What though can be done is to compare them based on numbers and data and try to figure out which CMS can do the job most of the time, if not all the time.

There’s must be a reason though, as to why WordPress and HubSpot CMS enjoy overwhelming popularity —a fact attested by their overwhelming market dominance.

WordPress launched in 2003 is a free and open-source leading content management system written in PHP programming language. Ideal for small businesses and freelancers, WordPress powers over 60 million websites in the world. WordPress easily lets you build a WordPress site with its Gutenberg editor and then customize it with plenty of plugins and themes available in the WordPress directory, and available on third-party sites.

HubSpot content management system launched in 2006 is a CMS ideal for any-sized business. It is important to note that HubSpot at its core is a marketing company, which means it is a one-stop destination for all your online marketing needs. HubSpot CMS is one of the software solutions offered by the company which provides a high level of flexibility and ease of use to help create and optimize personalized content and measure a website’s performance over time.

To sum it up, HubSpot boasts touts itself as an inbound marketing enabler intended to help the business grow with its comprehensive suite of online marketing products.

HubSpot CMS Vs. WordPress

Let’s make a comparison between the two popular CMSs on a few important parameters to comprehend which is going to be the best fit for your website

  • Website Performance
  • Ease Of Maintenance
  • Security
  • SEO & Analytics

Performance of the website 

Websites that fail to load within a couple of seconds are likely to suffer from a high bounce rate. In today’s crowded virtual world, speed matters a lot. HubSpot scores ahead of WordPress on this parameter as it automatically manages speed optimization. In the case of WordPress, you need to install this plugin. Also, HubSpot has its built-in page performance tracker. If you are using WordPress, you need to download the software from a WordPress plugin.

In short, if you want everything done for you, HubSpot is a better option. On the other hand, if you wish to involve yourself more in pages optimization, WordPress is just what the doctor ordered.

Ease of maintenance 

Like any other thing, websites require regular maintenance and updates for smooth running. To keep the website optimized and relevant, features such as security, privacy, software updates, etc need consistent upkeep. HubSpot makes it easy as all these features are built-in into the software.

In the case of WordPress, for most of these tasks, plugins from a third party are required. HubSpot sites as such are less susceptible to crashes.


HubSpot has an in-house team for taking care of security issues such as threat monitoring, activity logging, SSL protection and intrusion detection to mention a few.

In the case of WordPress, all these features are generally incorporated through third-party plugins, which in turn could enhance risk factors.

SEO & Analytics 

To drive online traffic, websites need to rank higher in SERP. HubSpot offers in-built features that make it rather easy to make optimization changes. In the case of WordPress, you again must rely on third-party plugins. The sheer popularity of WordPress has led to the springing up of firms involved in the business of building SEO add-ons for WordPress. One prime example of it is Yoast.

HubSpot seo tool offers its traffic and contacts analytics tool; to do the same in WordPress you need a CRM tool. Hence you can find a new digital content marketing strategy. With HubSpot analytics software tool, you can build everything you need right from landing pages to call to action.

Spotlighting the comparison of HubSpot CMS Vs WordPress

AspectHubSpot CMSWordPress
SecurityIn-house security managementMore plug-ins and software requirements increase vulnerabilities
On-page SEOIn-built features. Ideal for beginnersMore customizability. Better for keeping a tab on SEO goals
BloggingLimited blog customization features.Host of tools to customize the look and feel of a blog
DesignLacks design customization and sophisticationSophisticated and customized designs that can be purchased from professional developers and designers
SupportExcellent support provided by the in-house teamThird-party integrations mean support may not be up to HubSpot standards
PricingPricing model more aggressiveA lot of free plugins keep costs down
AnalyticsEasy to graspMore functionality, but more knowledge required

HubSpot CMS or WordPress: Which is better to opt for?

WordPress by far is the undisputed leader when it comes to a CMS. WordPress controls over 60 million websites – that means over 40% of all websites use WordPress. In sharp contrast, less than 1% of all websites are built on HubSpot.

However, it in no way implies that HubSpot is inferior to WordPress. It is just that they are meant to serve different purposes. WordPress is more ideal for bloggers and small businesses. However, if you are a B2B business with your in-house digital and marketing team, you are better off with HubSpot. It has an extensive range of in-built features that make scaling and lead generation a breeze.

Also, some marketers find it more comfortable to work with streamlined features available in HubSpot. And then some marketers prefer the customizability options provided by WordPress.

To conclude, there are certain features in WordPress found wanting in HubSpot, and the opposite is also true. In the end, when we speak about HubSpot CMS and WordPress, currently HubSpot CMS is the decision preferred over WordPress for website development.

We help you with WordPress and HubSpot Development Services

Building a website that possesses excellent lead-generating capability, as well as an exceptional digital marketing strategy is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. It always helps to bring an outside ally to shoulder the load and grow your brand. Along with the platform you have to choose a best CMS development company for your project. Our CMS developers at CG-VAK help you get astounding websites for your business. Talk to us today about CMS web design and CMS development.