Serverless Architecture in the Next Stage of Business Transformation for Scalable Performance

Still, in its early stage, Serverless Architecture represents a completely new paradigm. It offers an excellent drive to complete IT transformation with the introduction of a next-generation cloud. This transformation with Serverless architectures like Azure Serverless thrives with cost-effective and streamlined solutions, processes, and end results. Let us have a meaningful discussion over this concept of Serverless architecture, its benefits to IT businesses, and how it is a driving factor in the digital transformation of businesses with highly scalable cloud solutions and better customer experiences.

Serverless Architecture Approach: What, Why, and How?

Serverless, as the name itself suggests, it is basically a cloud-based development approach adopted by developers where they work only on business-oriented coding and are not involved with issues related to physical servers or infrastructures. In the Serverless Architecture approach, an event-driven function model is utilized to determine the scopes of business requirements. Also, it is an automated, highly scalable architecture to offer required computing strength at any time.

The need for a Serverless Architecture approach has gone popular with the inclusion of cost-effective measures where resources are scalable and cost only for usage. For example – In Serverless cloud computing, it is possible to reduce the server usage or scale it down when not really required, or can instantly ramp up the computing bandwidth at the time of requirement. In total, it is quite convenient and flexible to work with Serverless applications and architecture.

How Serverless Architecture/Computing Works?

Serverless Architecture use cases include IT organizations looking for a smooth and efficient cloud migration, or which works on cloud applications that require additional functional efficiency, scalability, etc. The Serverless approach complements Edge computing with great support to high-latency, big-data processing tasks within cloud computing solutions.

But what is the actual strategy adopted in this type of architecture of cloud computing or development?

With Serverless Architecture, developers need not bother about all the servers or infrastructure supporting codes. This task is for the Serverless cloud providers who are responsible for the management of entire backend services which include virtual machine management, hardware allocation, host patching, server uptime maintenance, capacity provisioning, test environments on servers, etc. All these services integrated with DevOps to keep their applications running and updated all the time are effectively managed by the Serverless cloud service providers. Likewise, it defines a unique, flexible, and scalable architecture approach for the IT development world and offers multiple advantages of cloud computing.

Pros of Implementing Serverless Architecture for Business

After going through the basic understanding of Serverless Architecture, its use cases, working criteria, and all, it is time to learn some fine benefits of Serverless computing to businesses. We have sorted out some exclusive points of benefits of cloud computing to businesses with a Serverless approach.

Easy deployment & continuous delivery

With Serverless Architecture, it is easy to set up as well as deploy distributed systems when compared with the server-based one. Also, as the complete process is automated in the Serverless application development, the code change is automatically deployed which ranks it up for the continuous delivery requirement in businesses.

Infrastructure cost-effective 

The Serverless Architecture follows the pay-as-you-go model which highly impacts the infrastructure expenses and makes it a cost-effective affair. It is considered the ultimate way for businesses to cut costs of infrastructure by switching to Serverless architectures.

Virtual desktop or machines

Using Serverless computing, data processing in Virtual machines or Virtual Assistants like chatbots is really fast which is beneficial when prompt responses are required. The FaaS model of Serverless Architecture provides the desired computing power especially in cases where application user strength increases suddenly.

Impeccable Scalability

Unlike on-server applications, Serverless application is much efficient for startups and enterprises as it delivers automatic resources or computing power when requests increase. It is highly preferred because of its almost nil scalability limitations in applications.

Real-time updates to the application 

One of the advantages of Serverless cloud computing is that within the Serverless environment, cloud providers offer functions that aids in uploading the application updates regularly with the provision of adding new features, patching issues, and more to it.

Boosts productivity

To keep up with fast-changing digital development and software trends, Serverless computing in the cloud is amazingly supporting minimal processes and individuals towards the development of the application while the other contributors are involved in the vital tasks of DevOps.

Ability to reuse compared to other infrastructure 

Any new project such as Serverless application/Serverless web development is easy with this new concept as it utilizes reusable elements like HTTP request functions, layer across Lambda functions, testable coding, encapsulation, etc. in the process which enhances the reusability in comparison to other infrastructures.

Easy pivoting and right targeting

Right customer identification and targeting are always crucial for a business, and with infinite scaling, efficient containers utilization, high product flexibility, etc. as Serverless functions, it is very convenient and direct to reach the targeted new audiences without impacting the existing ones.

Difference b/w other Platforms and Serverless

Serverless Architecture, with the event-driven function model, is popularly recognized as the Function-as-a-Service model which stands out and differs from other cloud computing platforms such as – Platform-as-a-Service and Backend-as-a-Service. Let us get a brief understanding of the exact difference between these platforms and the Serverless approach.

Backend-as-a-Service v/s Function-as-a-Service (Serverless)

Backend-as-a-Service, also known as BaaS is a cloud computing model, which follows the procedure where the cloud provider or vendor delivers backend services and developers are involved in enhancing and maintaining front-end services and solutions including infrastructures and servers.

The Serverless cloud computing model includes event-driven triggers and edge computing alignment with processes for quick, efficient, and highly scalable processing which all is unavailable with the Baas approach.

Platform-as-a-Service v/s Function-as-a-Service (Serverless)

In the Platform-as-a-Service or PaaS model or approach, developers are handling all essential tools for application running and development.

Where the Serverless approach offers developers to focus their abilities on coding only for solving related business issues and problems rather than managing software infrastructures required for the development, the Paas approach is less flexible, runs at a slower speed, and is not really a fan of edge computing in the cloud.

The above comparisons between the Function-as-a-Service model with Platform-as-a-Service and Backend-as-a-Service are in itself a reason why many organizations are leaning towards the Serverless Architecture approach. The best example is the recent survey in 2020, which states that 80% of Amazon Web Services container users have adopted the Lambda or Serverless service for AWS, and thus now implemented the AWS Serverless application model.

But, right away with many benefits of cloud computing with serverless approach, there are some challenges linked with this new concept like switching Serverless providers, security concerns, scaling unpredictability, limited debugging tools, etc. As this concept of Serverless Architecture is in its phase of development and betterment, we can hope these limitations of today are not there in the coming years of digital transformation.

Ready to Implement or Optimize Serverless?

Are you looking for a scalable, streamlined, and cost-effective cloud computing or development approach for your fresh startup or already running a business with a traditional computing approach? If the answer is yes, then it is evident that you are ready to implement or optimize Serverless in your business to gain all its benefits.

CG-VAK, a reputed onshore/offshore IT solutions and services provider extends its expert consulting and software development services to all businesses that are impressed by the Serverless architecture and ready to build a Serverless web application or more. Feel free to contact us with your requirements and queries.

Final Thoughts

Serverless Architecture is the need for the time where competition and matching levels with new trends and skills are required. Advantages of Serverless computing like the high range of scalability, low-cost expenses along high-level customer experience are what all businesses look forward to. It fits right for today’s IT business needs and seems promising for the near future.