Could startup can leverage from outsourcing their software product development?

Being amongst the large group of start-ups booming up every day, it is important to know the best expertise on outsourcing your software product development. This article will help you understand the why, when and how software product development outsourcing can be beneficial for start up companies.

A go getter with a motive in mind to speed ahead on the software development front, every start up would need a few basic requirements to fulfil their dreams. Cost factors would be a little high considering technology and resources to cater to the development needs of the customers.

How outsourcing can help?

Resource Availability

Larger companies with a huge manpower and the latest technologies are already available sometimes with resources not being utilized to their 100 percent. Start ups can get in touch with these outsourced companies who can provide resources on a short term or a long term basis depending on the technology and the domain area of development.

Technology expertise

Being a large company with expertise on multiple technologies and industry verticals, mix of resources with varied technology expertise is available to choose from. The start ups can opt to choose the correct mix of technology and experience as required for their project.

Cost Benefits

Huge costs can be curtailed by reducing the go-to-market time and cost for your development. Outsourced cost is more competitive than permanent employee costs.

This pandemic has increased the use of remote work, which will make us understand how important and efficient outsourced companies can co-ordinate on the product development benefitting both the start-ups and the outsourced companies.

  • Cost effective, if software development outsourcing is done correctly the savings are significant.
  • Focus on core business processes, which will bring immense experience and superior tech talent from worldwide.
  • Easy scalability, in this fast-changing business world, a business should always offer more today than it offered yesterday and this is possible with outsourcing.
  • There is no need for micromanagement, thereby ensuring full transparency of the development process.
  • t guarantees effective communication inside the team, by focusing only on your tasks and not on building bridge and warming up activities.
  • With effective collaboration, it saves a business owner much time without any work interruption.

How to build a successful outsourcing strategy?

The below information will help you to understand the outsourcing strategy in its best possible way.

Step 1: Set your goals and define it 

  • Your goal should be realistic, well-balanced, and achievable.
  • Make a long-term goal in order to reduce costs, as well as find a reliable outsourcing software development company.

Step 2: Gather your requirement and delegate tasks 

  • Note down your requirements and take care of all the documentation which will be useful in future.
  • Delegating task is a top priority, you have to consider who will be the right fit for the right job and transfer the required knowledge to help them gear ahead.

Step 3: Upgrade your operation with your technological profile

  • When outsourcing the projects the primary concern should be on the technology expertise and the experience of the resources who would be handling the projects. These needs to be carefully examined and verified with the outsourced company.
  • Make sure its security policy is up-to-date, since data leakage is not uncommon.

Step 4: Select your provider accordingly 

  • To reach cost saving for long-term, select customer-driven service provider with lots of references.
  • To reach cost saving for short-term, select offshoring service provider with sufficient resources and lower service rate.
  • Research about your service provider for the sake of good understanding.

Step 5: Access to establish good relationship with your outsourced software company 

  • Reaching out to the outsourcing partner on regular basis and reviewing the project at defined intervals is important.
  • Motivating with incentives and appreciation will be helpful in getting better business result.
  • These will be helpful in improving project productivity level.

How robustly CG-VAK delivers software product development?

When a company is into software development for more than 2 decades, they have their dedicated teams who will accelerate the processes and techniques to deliver according to the client requirements. And that is what we do in CGVAK very effectively and efficiently.

1. Vision and ideation: 

  • Make a plan which will defines the general steps according to the requirement.
  • Team will discuss about allocating human and material resources and estimating costs for the project.
  • Delegate the responsibilities for the team members during each step of the phase.
  • Project manager will sit with the team and set up a calendar, so that these steps may not overlap to a previous steps.

2. Planning and feasibility study: 

  • In the requirement phase, teams group up to gather the information and analyze to setup a plan, and communicate it to development teams.
  • Next step is on checking the feasibility on project time to be complete, budget, team size delivery process.
  • Anticipating the risks.

3. Design and development: 

  • Software designers will map requirement to 2 design types. Logical, physical designs which will be reviewed and developed by various departments.
  • Simultaneously, the team will also engage rapidly in creating a prototype to compare the different solutions to find the required match.
  • All required security measures are taken up to protect the application from data leakage.

4. Feedbacks from client: 

  • Support operations begins to ensure smooth operation of the system.
  • Software fixes are developed by getting feedbacks from the client, by collecting their problems and questions through the help desk.

5. Testing and bug fixing: 

  • Repairing and maintenance operation begin.
  • The team takes all necessary steps to ensure that the system works properly.
  • Systems will undergo several types of testing such as:
  • Functional testing
  • Performance testing
  • Unit testing
  • Security testing
  • Usability testing

Once the error is identified and fixed, the developer will forward the software back to QA team for re-testing. This process will repeat until the product is bug free.

6. On time delivery: 

  • CG-vak then jumps to considering the root cause analysis of any issues or concerns and the critical factors and takes the required efforts to deliver the project on time.
  • With separate and dedicated teams, CG-vak has all the advantages for timely delivery and client satisfaction.

7. Maintenance and support: 

  • CGVAK is available to all our customers at any time to address their clarifications and questions even after the actual delivery of the product.
  • Support teams are constantly in touch to ensure smooth coordination.


As a start-up, developing a software without much of an experience might be a mountainous task. But with an expert software development outsourcing company like CG-vak, equipped with the required infrastructure, independent development and testing teams and efficient managers who can take care of your complete development process, you have nothing to worry. You can rest assured that you are outsourcing your start-up project to an interactive and dynamic agency. We will help you to accelerate your software development through synergized processes, technological expertise and automation.