A deep dive into how ASP.NET Core helps to build Microservices!

Microservices is a tough alternative for the traditional or legacy app development architecture and had profited many businesses including Amazon, Netflix, PayPal, Twitter, and eBay till now. The concept of Microservices architecture is building a full-size application (Microservices web application or Microservices based applications) which is actually a suite of several individual services modules or components. These components are functionally targeted, work independently, and interact with each other via defined APIs.

Businesses with legacy applications are facing many setbacks in terms of complications in modifications, nil scalability, slow to modifications, suppressed innovations, interdependencies, and more. Microservices based applications, on the other hand, comprises no such limitations. In fact, any effect on the functioning of a component or a Microservices of the application does not affect other components which ultimately do not cost much effort on its remedy. Thus, it is good for many business applications with an increase in resilience with minimal impact of failures, improved scalability for any high demand Microservice, easy deployment of innovations, long-term commitments, and high flexibility.

For building Microservices application, the development of individual Microservices is required and the best framework for it could be the ASP.NET Core owing to its astounding advantages like cloud-based configurations, high-speed development, cross-platform support, etc. beneficial for any business who wants to grow with time and demands scalability and flexibility with quick app innovations.

One remarkable reason for businesses to adopt ASP.NET Core for Microservices development in comparison to other frameworks or programming languages is that both complements each other with almost similar methodologies in app development architecture.

Components of Microservices and key benefits

Microservices application development architecture is composed of multiple functional components. Each component along with Microservices has its specific function in the Microsoft Microservices Architecture Style.

Identity Provider  : 

It is a component in the Microservices environment that is responsible for managing the Client’s identity information and a source of authentication services to the whole network in the structure.

Key Benefit: 

IdentityServer4 is useful in Microservices-based applications with its wide range of features – Single Sign-on, user management with Admin UI (in beta version), refresh token, token-based security, generated token revoke, External Identity Provider (Google, Facebook) support, and more.

API Gateway : 

Composed of multiple small projects for clients with Microservices sharing viable responses.

Key Benefit: 

Using API Gateways, implementations like Authorization, HTTPS termination can be performed. Besides that, responses can be collected from multiple services and shared with the client in a single run eliminating the need for individual information exchanges.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) : 

A network channel or provider of static content or resources including the web content or web pages to a distributed network within the Microsoft Microservices architecture.

Key Benefit: 

Direct communication with clients with complete transparency in the static resources being used in application development makes it flexible for scaling and improvements.

Service Discovery : 

It is a services tracking component which records service address, location, endpoints using the Service Registry component.

Key Benefit

The Service Discovery and Service Registry mechanism are useful in knowing the state of the services out of the cluster with IP address information and service requests can be sent to load balancer easily with registered services information.

Node Management : 

It is the node maintenance component for a Microservices (also known as Load Balancer).

Key Benefit: 

It provides a balanced traffic routing to nodes to a Microservices raising query to the Service Registry getting the accurate location via registered IP address.

Why ASP.NET core for Microservices?

ASP.NET Core development services are treated as a superior web development framework for building web applications as it integrates the standard platform – dot NET. The ASP.NET Core is an open-source, advanced version of ASP.NET, introduced in the year 2016, known for its compatibility with Docker Container, Windows, Linux, and macOS, cross-platform support, cloud-based configurations, fast performance, and more which has caused many developers to migrate from ASP.NET to .NET Core. Many big enterprises including Alibaba Travels have included ASP.NET Core development in their tech sacks for building scalable, flexible, and high-performance web applications.

Microservices and Dot NET Core Framework Comparison

Dot NET Core framework was used in its earlier project with the type of architecture where services were used to build applications via integrated Simple Object Access Protocol which is quite similar to the web application Microservices architecture (the modern one) used to build Microservices web application and Microservices-based applications.

Also, in-built assistance and Docker container related technologies within the framework persuade developers and designers more to choose ASP.NET Core for Microservices creation and Microservices solutions.

Key Qualities of ASP.NET Core for Building Microservices

From the previous section, we have gained some profitable mottos to choose ASP.NET Core for Microservices. We also found out a commonality in the methodology adopted by both ASP.NET Core architecture and Microservices-based architecture to build web applications. Building Microservices with ASP.NET Core development framework would prove a great deal to developers owing to its excellent features and qualities.

Light-weight Framework:  

ASP dotNET Core is a light-weight and modular framework that is ideal for developers to build instant container-based Microservices.

Cloud-based Configurations : 

Cloud-support and scope of scalability deliver highly secured, feature-rich, performance-driven dot NET Core Microservices. Azure Cloud technology is popular among .NET developers and helpful to build efficient dot Net Microservices.

Advanced Cross-Platform support : 

From system to mobile, Windows to macOS, .NET Core builds applications for all platforms. It supports all technologies, Operating Systems including Linux. It also supports Docker Container and building Microservices with Docker is favorable for developers as Microservices and docker container complement each other.

IDE Selection : 

ASP dot NET Core developers have the full choice to select IDE apart from Microsoft Visual Studio to develop .NET Core apps using Microservices. There are nil conditions and the developers are free to choose any right technology which can be free software to develop Microservices–based applications effectively.

Kubernetes & Docker Support : 

NET Core supports both Kubernetes and Docker technologies to build ASP Core Microservices. The use of Docker in Microservices is always encouraged by developers through ideal access of entire resources information and details in Microservices and containers. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an add-on technology of Core development that enhances Microservices development through its advanced properties and features.

High-performance & Instant Containerization:

In the latest ASP.NET Core versions, developers can utilize the high-definition image as an add-on feature along with a quick development cycle. Docker container technology is supported for almost all ASP.NET Core apps which are quite suited to build web applications based on Microservices web architecture.

Hence, ponder over the above key qualities of the ASP.NET Core for building Microservices and choose your further app development projects.

Wrapping Up

Microservices building is ideal on the .NET Core development framework with its supporting and beneficial features as discussed widely in the blog. For genuine guidance and satisfactory implementation of the ASP.NET Core services, any business can hire an expert ASP.NET development company.

At CG-VAK, our onshore/offshore clients are offered exclusive ASP.NET Development services and expert consultancy through experienced professionals at competitive pricing. Contact us for free guidance on your projects.