Why ReactJS is in the Spotlight Amongst Developers

The ecosystem of front-end development is constantly growing and changing every day. We know that there is always a new tool launching in the market and a few of them have become bestsellers for revolutionizing the world of development. However, many of them have come up with so many libraries and frameworks.

Now developers have choices to choose from so many different kinds of tools such as Nodejs, Angularjs, Reactjs, etc. But business owners aren’t able to decide which will be the right choice for them. However, ReactJS have always been a viable option for developers who were probably interested in something new beyond AngularJS while looking for a simple programming language.

Developers go through pain as while working with other frameworks they are required to do a lot of complex coding during the development of single comments. And ReactJS was launched back in 2013 to solve this problem for developers. Today Facebook maintains this together with the developer community and it has facilitated the work of developers. With ReactJS, developers got the option of reusing the codes, which helps them in faster execution of any project.

Today, in this CG-VAK’s article, we’ll cover key points and discuss what are the reasons behind the ReactJS popularity among developers. React is used by many leading companies such as PayPal, Netflix, Apple. We will also let you know when it is good to use React JS and when is it better for you to opt for other JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, VueJS, and NodeJS.

Let’s first jump into the discussion of the advantages of using Reactjs —

Key Benefits of ReactJS for front-end Development
There are tons of benefits of using ReactJS. But we will tell you only the key benefits of React JS. After this, you will be able to distinguish it from other Javascript frameworks. You will understand why it has become the spotlight among developers and the best option from other front-end development frameworks.

Speed — Developers can utilize individual parts of their application on both client-side and the server-side in ReactJS, which helps developers to boost the speed of the development process.

Productivity — Any developer will swear on this feature of ReactJS as it boosts productivity and eases out maintenance. Facebook has updated the tool’s availability so that developers can easily reuse the system’s components.

Flexibility — In comparison to many other frontend Javascript frameworks, the ReactJS codes are easier to maintain and are flexible due to having a modular structure. Ultimately, this flexibility helps developers in saving a huge amount of time and cost to businesses.

Performance — ReactJS intentionally was designed to provide high performance. So the core of this framework offers a virtual DOM program and server-side rendering, and it makes complex apps show extremely fast performance.

SEO Friendly — Back in time web developers have complained about JavaScript frameworks that they’re not SEO friendly. And it was a big issue for web apps and it was losing the race of SEO. However, ReactJS comes with this update and it is SEO-friendly. Developers can develop engaging UI which can easily navigate on various search engines.

Now you know the benefits of the ReactJS, let’s jump to discuss 5 reasons to use React JS —
5 reasons to use Reactjs

1.  It eases the overall process of writing integrants

ReactJS uses JSX instead of Javascript so it is an only optional syntax extension to JavaScript that enables you to write your own components easily. JSX enables programmers to render UI components by accepting HTML quoting and making a subcomponent rendering easier. Thus, it is easy for developers to use HTML syntaxes to easily convert them into JavaScript calls by React.

2. It features a Virtual DOM to ensure faster rendering

For developers, it is essential to know how the structure is going to impact the overall app performance after creating while building a high-load application. The development team of Facebook has added Virtual DOM in ReactJS which is one of the best features to use React for heavy loaded and any kind of dynamic software solutions.

As its name makes it clear that it is a virtual representation of the document object model, so developers need to make all the changes to the virtual DOM first, and then, using a diff algorithm. Even the minimal scope of necessary DOM operations gets calculated. This feature of ReactJS allows the developers to develop an app for better user experience and higher app performance.

3.  Easy to Learn and Use

If you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript then deploying React is fairly easy to accomplish. In fact, if you are an expert JavaScript developer then it is easier for you to learn all the ins and outs of the React framework in a day or two. It’s a win-win situation for new developers if they want to grow fast and ReactJS will help them climb this development mountain easily. ReactJS is easier to learn and use than others and it is advanced as well.

4. It helps to build better mobile applications

If a developer once learned ReactJS then he can write anywhere because it follows the same design pattern in both web and mobile application development, thus it facilitates the transition process. Developers use plain JavaScript with React to build rich UI for native apps and both iOS and Android platforms support it.

5. ReactJS supported by a strong community

Originally it was introduced for only internal uses and later it was shared with the entire world. In today’s time, it is supported by engineering teams of two big names in the market which are Facebook and Instagram. Externally it is supported by experts, for instance, React GitHub repository, which has over 1100 contributors. Also, users can ask questions on Reactiflux Chart, Stack Overflow, and many others.
When is it good to use React JS? And when to go for its alternatives?
Like Angular, ReactJS is definitely worth developers’ attention, especially if they want to work on a single page application. To make the application fast, responsive, and user-friendly opting ReactJS will be the best choice for a developer.

However, the library of ReactJS can hardly be used as a “universal remedy.” And if you’re not sure about the future of your project then think once again before opting ReactJS because the migration process can be tough and time-taking from reactJS. If you like TypeScript then you better opt for AngularJS or VueJS. Also, to set up React you need more time than VueJS though adding new features will be easy.

Summing Up!

To summarize the ReactJS in three words — responsive, non-risky, and advanced. The main purpose to use ReactJS library is to use it for building large-scale applications with data that changes repeatedly over time meanwhile tackling all challenges easily. The top features of ReactJS such as great User Interface, DOM, JSX support, etc. make it a reasonable choice for developers.

You can hire ReactJS developers for your project if you don’t want to learn it. There are many ReactJS development companies that provide ReactJS development solutions because doing development on your own without having experience can be a real pain.